There is no scientific rule about how to arrange your pedals
People had thousands of different configuration on their pedalboard. Some prefer certain pedals on a spot, others prefer same pedals on different spot. That really depends on a person's need and how they want their signal to sound.
What you need?
The first step on figuring out how to setup your signal path is by knowing what you need. These are what people usually need:
- at least one 'Gain Box' (Distortion, Overdrive, Boost or Fuzz)
- at least one 'Modulation' (Chorus, Flanger, Univibe or Phaser)
- Compressor
- Wah pedal
- at least one 'Time Based' (Delay or Reverb)
- Volume pedal
People go with rack-mounted effects for its superb control, but now stomp boxes are popular again. I'll go explain how I setup my stomp boxes, it's pretty general and you can apply my explanation to rack-mounted effects.
My signal path
On the input plug
Guitar -> Wah -> Overdrive -> Amp
On the FX loop
Send -> Boost -> Volume -> Chorus -> Delay -> Reverb
This is the most generic setup that you can find. You can replace the volume pedal out of the FX loop into the very beginning of the signal path to make it act like your guitar volume knob instead of making it acts like a master volume control. Some artists put wah pedal after distortion to get more extreme wah sound. Chorus or flanger can be put before or after distortion out from the loop to get more wobbly sound.
FX Loop
One thing that I should point out is the fact that I had a preamp pedal that acts as my amp and cabinet simulator. It has the send/return plugs for FX Loops which means you can put some boxes there that you don't want to get mixed with other pedals that you put before the amp. Usually you put delay/reverb pedal on the loop to avoid those pedals from getting affected by the increased gain signal from the overdrive or distortion pedal.
If you don't have FX loop, you can just put everything before the input of the amplifier or preamp. It will sound a bit different and some pedals might not be able to tolerate the amount of gain increase caused by gain boxes on the beginning part of your signal chain. If you do run into this problem, there are some loop boxes available to be placed right before your amp and it will have send/return option for your pedals.
Try to experiment as much as you can
You can start from the most generic signal path that I explained above, but ultimately there is no correct option of placing your FX units. Try to research different setup and see if you can find the best setup for the tone that you're looking for. Pay attention to your pedal requirements as well, sometimes a pedal doesn't want to be placed before of after a specific pedal because it might damage the unit.
That's all for now, I hope you enjoy my post!
Cheers and God bless ! :)
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